Well being inside and outside due to correction of human movement
Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession which sees human movement as root to the health and well-being of individuals. Physiotherapists identify and maximize movement potential through health promotion, preventive healthcare, treatment and rehabilitation.
'Musculoskeletal physiotherapists are able to diagnose, treat, and by using a range of techniques, help with prevention of pain and pathology.'
Various therapeutic physical therapy modalities are available, including exercise prescription (strength, motor control, stretching and endurance), manual therapy techniques like joint mobilization/manipulation, soft tissue massage, and various forms of so-called "electrophysical agents" (such as cryotherapy, heat therapy, ionophoresis and electrotherapy).
Physiotherapeutic equipment includes such methods of therapy as electrotherapy, inductothermia, UHF (ultra-high frequencies treatment equipment), DMB-therapy, CMV-therapy, KWT (kilowatt- therapy), aero-ionisation therapy, magnetic-therapy, ultra-sound therapy, lasers, light-treatment, (UV-exciters), inhalers, oxygen therapy, aroma therapy, aroma-phyto- therapy, water treatment, warm-treatment, massage.
Physiotherapy helps people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health for people of all ages, helping patients to manage pain and prevent disease
Physiotherapy, according to the widely used terminology, study of natural resort factors (climate-therapy, mud cure) – is a subject of a separate section of medicine – the resort therapy, which alongside with the physiotherapy make up a single scientific discipline. Treatment gymnastics, massage and mechanic therapy refer to physical training used for treating purposes. So, the notion of physiotherapy includes the following:
- Studying and usage for medical purposes of some physical factors created by transformation of certain types of energy into the energy of biological processes, - physiotherapy (including light-treatment, electro-treatment, aerosol-therapy.
Physical factors used to influence the human being during the whole history of his evolution that is why physio-therapeutic procedures have more physiological character in comparison to many medicines.
Physiotherapeutic treatment cause non-specific as well as specific retaliatory reactions of the organism. The latter are determined by the peculiarities of active factor as well as the pathological process and provide the main healing effect.
Physiotherapeutic ways of treatment can also be used in complex with other medical procedures at other stages of treatment or medical rehabilitation. The main task in such cases is to influence definite processes in the organism at different levels, including cellular and molecular. Great range and variety of factors and methods, used in physiotherapy, determine the possibilities of individual influence on organism aimed at directed influence on pathological process without any negative side effects.
In our Institute we successfully use the following types of physiotherapy:
- Photo-therapy
- Electrophoresis
- Ultra-sound
- Sleppphoresis
- Magnet and Laser – therapy
- Galvanisation
- Amplipulse – therapy
- Interferential currents
The advantages of physiotherapy:
- The treatment duration of many illnesses is shortened
- Prophylaxis of complications and recurrence of illnesses
- No side effects typical for medical treatment
- >span class="color_2">Considerable decline in dozes of medicines or complete non-medical treatment
- Physiotherapy is recommended in the following cases
- Illnesses in inner organs (severe and chronic bronchi,
- bronchial asthma, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal, chronic cholecystitis,
- chronic colitis)
- Injures of nervous system (neuritis, radiculitis, pleksitis). Treatment of hernia
- of inter-spine discs
- Treatment of motor-apparatus (arthrosis, arthritis of small and big joints)
- Urological, proctologic and gynaecological illnesses
- Skin imperfections
- Pathology of ear, throat and nose
- Rehabilitation after traumas and surgeries
- Pain syndromes after burns and scalds or frost-bites
- Tripes and deformations
- Hair loss
The specialists of our Institute will offer you an individual treatment program. Wide therapeutic possibilities of apparatus treatment based on recent scientific findings, correct way of choosing the physio-therapeutic factor and procedures completed by skilled professionals will provide the necessary positive effect.

Rehabilitation includes different techniques and methods of treatment, which maximally assist possible healing of structures and functions of the organism.
In our everyday life we inevitable face a lot of situations in some cases accompanied by unexpected and unpleasant accidents, which result in bruises, fractures, tear of muscles and cords. Quite often the treatment is carried out using traditional and conservative techniques and in some cases even by operative methods. As a consequence, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate methods in integration with different treatment methods. When the gypsum bandage has been removed and the post-operational stitches have healed, a carefully planned rehabilitation should be carried out. In our Institute a very special attention is paid to a rehabilitation period.
We restore the valuable mobility of joints, improve the imbalance of muscles, which is the result of a forced period of immobility of spine and upper extremities.
Our specialists posses a wide range of new highly effective methods, which allow restoring the functions of spine and joints in the shortest possible time. We successfully use the integration of the following methods:
- Ozonotherapy
- Magnetic-therapy
- Punctual -flexor-therapy
- Electro-laser therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Pharmacy – therapy (selection of necessary medicines and biologically active supplements)