Rheoencephalogram is a graphic registration of the changes in conductivity of tissue of the head caused by vascular factors.
The basic opportunities of this method:
- Revealing focal frustration of blood circulation in internal organs on hypofusion (ischemic) and hyperfusion types.
- Spatial display of distributions of zones with various functional conditions of a vascular channel.
- The opportunity of reception of settlement sizes intracranial pressure is given (in Hg mm.).
- For the first time the technique of an estimation of vegetative regulation of cerebral vessels by revealing a degree of insufficient blood supply is offered.
- Diagnostics of frustrated central blood circulations generally and in internal organs at intimate insufficiency, diseases of lungs, a liver, a brain, bodies of a small basin, etc.
- Simplification of supervision over dynamics of restoration of blood circulation in internal organs during treatment.
- Visualization of the local displays connected with difficulty of venous outflow.
Diagnostic evaluation of the cerebral-hemodynamic functional state is based on rheoencephalogram and it involves the two-component analysis method. The method consists of a quantitative representation of a qualitatively new regularity pertaining to the functioning of the cardiovascular system with a two-phase structure of cardiac output, i.e. the positive systolic one and the negative diastolic one, which is in line with the active functioning of the myocardium both in the systolic and diastolic cardiac-cycle phases. A partial separation of the arterial and venous components of rheoencephalogram, which reflect (during the cardiac cycle) the pulse fluctuations of voluminous blood filling in the arterial and venous sections of the examined bloodstream portion, is made use of.
The method parameters provide for separate diagnostic evaluations of the tonus and blood filling of the arteries, veins and small peripheral vessels of the examined bloodstream portion. The computer-aided version of two-component analysis supports the rheoencephalogram processing in the registered sitting posture covering the full neurological examination range with respect to sex and age-related peculiarities of cerebral hemodynamics.