Pulse Diagnostics
The pulse can be used to gain a deep understanding of the patient on many levels. Even at basic levels, however, the pulse provides immediate and specific information that can help clarify contradictory diagnostic information and symptomology.
The method of pulse diagnostics was invented in the 5th century B.C. The blood pulsation in the human body has up to 600 shades and it is dependent on multiple factors: the intensity of the bit, the rhythm, the speed, the position and other factors. Therefore, the pulse measurement (or rather its deviation from the norm according to various indices) allows to conduct diagnostics of a wider spectrum of dysfunctions or changes in the organism’s system condition, and to make a prognosis for the potential crisis. For instance, pregnancy can be revealed even on the fifth or sixth day after conception.
Due to the pulse diagnostics, it is possible to determine whether the married couple will have children and principally what gender. In the meantime, doctors, who are at least superficially familiar with this unique method of diagnostics, are not many. Contemporary western doctors, while conducting the diagnostics, they use special devices for measuring the pulse, which is calculated with the contraction of the artery, occurring at emission of blood on a systole of the heart.
Experts in the field of the Chinese medicine measure pulse not at one, but at 6-10 different spots on a human organism: and for men and women these spots differ from each other. Chinese medicine distinguishes at least 600 varieties of pulse, combinations of which, depending on the spots of measurement, they give the opportunity to get a maximally reliable picture of the human organism’s condition.
Pulse ''Listening''
The most widespread method is the “listening” of the pulse in three spots on the beam artery – tsun’, guan’, chi that are correlated with the space forces the Sky, Human, Earth.
While diagnosing the man, the doctor should place his three fingers on the pulse spots of the left hand (heart,liver and kidneys) and the pulse spots of the right hand (lungs, spleen and pericardium).
It was considered that in women the connection of organs with wrists of the left and right hands is the opposite in comparison with men.
Preliminary conditions
It is not advised to check pulse:
- Immediately after the intake of food, alcohol and medicine.
- During acute feeling of famine.
- After hard physical work or intense brainwork.
- After massage.
- After ablution or sex
- After being exposed to the sun, frost or who has been near the fire
- For those who slept badly
- Menstruation circle (for women)
- The right time to do pulse diagnostics. The long-term practice in this field has shown, that the best time for pulse diagnostics is considered to be between 11-13 hours, i.e. in the interval between breakfast and dinner. At this time of the day the pulse is usually calm and steady. Regarding the palpation of the beam pulse, the best place for pulse palpation is located on the radial artery, which is nearly the width of a thumb just below the first skin fold of the wrist by the bone.