Working hours

Monday–Wednesday and Friday
8:30–13:00, 15:30–20:00

Thursday and Saturday


Treatment of diabetic angiopathy and diabetic foot.


During our 18 years of working with ozone, more than 3000 patients with diabetic angiopathy have received their treatment from us. Diabetic angiopathy is an invertible process that is caused by a long-term diabetes or by high blood sugar rates due to fat that is accumulated in vessels of a small diameter in the course of diabetes, until they are fully blocked.  Symptoms include, first, feeling of cold in the lower leg, painful walking, intermittent claudication, etc.

About one third of patients, especially those with high blood sugar, will get a diabetic foot, which means ulcers or extensive purulent process can transform into gangrene. If therapy is inefficient, patients can face limb amputation (Cyprus has more than 300 amputations per year). The picture is devastating, as diabetes morbidity increases with each passing year. The number of amputations grows correspondingly.

Avoid amputation surgery 

You should certainly monitor your blood sugar with the help of a diet, insulin injections and by taking  medicine which reduces blood sugar rates.


What if a patient suddenly starts feeling pain in his legs? What should he do then?

Begin ozone therapy.

Why is that?

During simultaneous use of intravenous ozone therapy with ozone penetration through skin (using special equipment), the following happens:

As ozone gets into the blood, it starts hunting the fat on the walls of the blood vessels, dissolving it to water and restoring the vessel clearance. The blood stream is restored and, in most cases, the patient does not feel any more pain while walking. The feeling of cold also subsides. As a result the patient has been fortunate enough to eliminate symptoms and with the proper preventative care using ozone, the patient should live to a ripe age. Among 4230 patients with diabetes that are under our observation and have the initial symptoms, there has been no case of diabetic foot.

However, what should you do if you already have it?

Immediately start bloodstream therapy for diminished vessels. Get rid of fat, restoring the vessels permeability, giving fresh bloodstream, constant oxygen supply and provide access of leucocytes to fight disease. In the majority of cases, we manage to do so. However, if part of the foot has already been deeply damaged, then simultaneously with ozone therapy, we use surgeon’s help to remove the decayed parts of the foot. Later on, the patient will be able to walk on both feet. Prophylaxis is the same as on the initial stage, only the doses can be increased by 25-35% during the first three years.